Sunday, September 14, 2008

Can music be wrong?

I have been thinking about New Age music, and just different kinds of music in general. In case you don’t know, New Age music originated as calm music intended to be listened to while doing things like meditating, relaxing, or yoga. Ever heard of Yanni? Enya, who did some music for the Lord of the Rings movies, is a Celtic/New Age musician, too. In their music they sometimes use unusual electronic noises to create a calming wash of sound. While some of these musicians do have New Age spiritual beliefs, many do not. So, I have been thinking. Is music wrong if it is often used for ungodly purposes, such as New Age spiritual practices?

Here is a song I like:

What did you think? My first reaction to it was thinking that it was beautiful and also a strong desire to find the music so I could play it. When I played it for my mom, she also enjoyed it. So has everyone else I have showed it to.

But for some strange reason, when I mention that “River Flows in You” is written by Yiruma, a New Age composer from South Korea, peoples’ reactions change slightly. “New Age.” That must mean it’s bad. But does it really? Is it possible for one piece of music to be bad, simple because sometimes people use it for bad purposes? Somehow, I don’t think so. Knives, for example, have been used as instruments of murder and violence countless times, and yet it is perfectly alright for me to use a knife to cut up vegetables for dinner every night. The knife itself is not evil, but the person using it can use it for evil things.

I enjoy listening to New Age music. Yiruma has written many pieces that are gorgeous and relaxing. New Age music, I think, is like knives. It does not have to be used for ungodly purposes, and it is very beautiful when used appropriately.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin. That is the name on everyone’s lips this past week and a half. Personally, I think McCain made a wise choice in selecting her for his running mate. Many have said that she will attract female voters, which may be true, but Palin also serves another purpose in this election. Prior to the announcement of Governor Palin as republican VP, nearly all the conservatives I know were less than enthusiastic about John McCain. Some were even considering not voting at all. Next to Obama’s charisma and enthusiastic speeches, McCain was simply unexciting. Many also argue that he is not a “real” republican. Two weeks ago I knew very few people who planned to vote for McCain because they liked him, and not because they disliked his opponent. One thing Sarah Palin seems to be doing, however, is make hesitant voters much more supportive of the republican ticket.

The “hockey mom” strategy she presented in her acceptance speech seems to be serving its purpose well. Not only have more women decided to support McCain, but people in general seem to like her and feel that she is “one of us.” Check out this poll I saw on Fox News. Apparently, out of McCain, Biden and Obama, Sarah Palin is considered “most likely to understand ‘the problems of everyday life.’” She is also a more conservative conservative than McCain, which has been good, too.

I like her. So far she seems like a very good choice, and if I were old enough to vote I’d probably give mine to McCain and Palin. I suppose we will see how it all plays out. Already questions have been raised about her character and family life, and experience. But the self-proclaimed “pitbull with lipstick” seems pretty tough, and I think she’ll do alright.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Word Bank

I now have a word bank! If you scroll down to the bottom, there should be a list of vocabulary words linked to thier definitions on Hopefully this format will work well.