Sunday, May 17, 2009

Good year

Well I must say, I have enjoyed having a blog this year and I'm glad Mrs. Bell made it part of our class assignments. It's nice to have something to look back on and to be able to see all of the projects we've done, like the visual arguments or research papers.

This year, in my writing I think I really learned to pay more attention to my audience and adjust my argument method based on what will best persuade them. Writing for your audience is a basic concept I was taught a long time ago, but this year I think I tried to focus on it more. Looking back on the essays I wrote last year, a lot of the rhetorical devices I used in this year's essays are absent. In my work this year, simple things, such as alliteration or more varied sentence structure, are much more present. My essays this year didn't just answer the prompts, but they were also more artistic, more interesting to the reader (or at least, I hope they were!).

Overall, I think it was a good year and I'm very glad I took this class. My favorite part of it definitely was reading Blue Like Jazz - it was such a good book! I also really liked this introduction to blogging, and have decided to continue throughout the summer and the upcoming school year as I head off to college. My new blog is Musings of a Degenerative Bibliophile and I hope you'll come visit from time to time if you'd like to!

1 comment:

gholamentat said...

I just saw what you did to my blog. There will be blood shed. By the gallon. How did you access my accounts? Now I've got your mom and my grandparents facebook stalking me? However, I take some small satisfaction in hearing that your toilet overflowed yesterday. Karmic justice at work.